Active Lipids to Strengthen Your Formulations

Stepan’s line of lipid nutrition products are uniquely designed to benefit your active lifestyle. Marinol® Omega-3s are pre-metabolized and naturally structured to support optimal performance. With its clean taste and rapid absorption capabilities, NEOBEE® Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are an easy solution to providing quick energy to the brain and body as an alternative to glucose. As a natural source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Clarinol® reduces body fat, increases lean body mass and mimics the physiological effects of science. 

Clarinol CLA, Marinol® Omega-3s & NEOBEE MCTs: Smart Values (Hover over to learn more)



Enzymatically treated to retain the Omega-3 natural sn-2 structure. 

Increase Muscle

Increases lean body mass.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Certified

Mass balanced certified palm oil from sustainable sources


Alternative energy source to glucose

Diverse Offerings

Broad range of products to meet formulation needs.


Proprietary multiple purification process to remove impurities.

Marinol® Omega-3s

Grade Physical Appearance EPA, mg/g DHA, mg/g/strong> EPA+DHA, mg/g
D-40 Oil 60 340 400
20% DHA Powder 30 170 200
C-38 Capsule & Oil 210 150 360
HS Powder Powder 100 70 170
D-30r Oil 110 300 410
CO-30 Oil 90 220 310
*click title for more information

Grade Caprylic acid % Capric acid %
Neobee 895 97% none
Neobee 1053 >55% >44%
Neobee M-5 >66% >32%
Neobee M-20 >66% >32%
Neobee M-5 Cosmetic >66% >32%
Neobee Powder 50% or 70% >55% >44%
*click title for more information

Clarinol® Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Grade CLA total, %
CLA isomers
(c9,t11 + t10,c12), %
Clarinol® A-80 80% 78%
Clarinol® A-95 94% 90%
Clarinol® Powder 610, mg/g 570, mg/g
Clarinol® G-80 80% 74.5%
*click title for more information

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